We also accept donations in the form of:
- Check mailed to: Public Agenda, 1 Dock 72 Way, #6101, Brooklyn, NY 11205
- Donor-advised fund distribution
- Matching gift
- Gift of securities: You may make a gift of an appreciated security(ies) held more than a year. You receive charitable deduction on the fair market value of the security.
- Charitable rollover: Individuals over the age of 70 1⁄2 may qualify to transfer a tax-free distribution from an IRA.
- Bequest and planned gift: Ensure your support continues past your lifetime by leaving a gift to Public Agenda through your will or estate. Public Agenda accepts a number of planned gift options that can be tailored to the needs of your family and loved ones, and we optimize solutions on estate tax.
For more information on the many ways you can give to Public Agenda, please contact Katie Lisa, Director of Development, via email at: [email protected].

Public Agenda is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and contributions are tax deductible.