Public Agenda’s Democracy Renewal Project catalyzes rigorous, actionable research on promising practices and interventions to strengthen American democracy. The project serves the democracy renewal movement with research and communication infrastructure to test reforms and interventions, refine promising practices, and share what we are learning with people who can use it. The Democracy Renewal Project will help make the efforts of practitioners more effective and the investments of funders more efficient.
Americans across the political spectrum believe that our democracy is at risk. Despite real divisions, a growing body of evidence shows that Americans with disparate political perspectives share a sense of frustration and dissatisfaction with our current system.
An ideologically diverse movement has emerged to address the challenges facing American democracy. But practical on-the-ground efforts are hampered by a lack of relevant, actionable evidence showing what approaches are likely to work. And we are not building on existing knowledge to refine interventions and practices in ways that fit changing circumstances and diverse communities.
The Democracy Renewal Project is the inaugural application of Public Agenda’s new Research Accelerator model, a method for catalyzing, translating, synthesizing, and communicating rigorous research on practice-relevant questions about how to strengthen American democracy. Public Agenda will solicit proposals, distribute grant funds to researchers, translate and synthesize findings, and share them with advocates, practitioners, policymakers, journalists, and philanthropists.
Public Agenda has a long history of conducting research on critical questions for our democracy and providing tools and resources for advocates, policymakers, and public leaders to turn that knowledge into action. With capacity for both research and engagement, Public Agenda is uniquely suited to serve as a network hub for applied research in support of the movement for democracy renewal.
Announcing the inaugural Democracy Renewal Project research cycle
The first Democracy Renewal Project research cycle is focused on how we can achieve full access to electoral participation for all citizens while strengthening trust in elections, two essential elements of the legitimacy and sustainability of our democracy. The cycle is timed to enable researchers to take full advantage of the 2024 presidential election cycle.
Advisory Panel

Sylvia Albert
Democracy and Representation Policy Counsel, Common Cause

Katherine Cramer
Natalie C. Holton Chair of Letters and Science & Virginia Sapiro Professor of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ashley Fabrizio, Ph.D
Senior Researcher, More In Common

Deana El-Mallawany
Counsel & Director of Impact Programs, Democratic Resilience, Protect Democracy

Donald P. Green
J.W. Burgess Professor of Political Science, Columbia University

Zoltan Hajnal
Professor & Co-Director of the Yankelovich Center for Social Science Research, University of California San Diego

Vincent Hutchings
Diversity and Social Transformation Professor & Hanes Walton Jr. Collegiate Professor of Political Science and Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan

Dr. Melissa R. Michelson
Dean of Arts and Sciences, Menlo College

Thania Sanchez
Senior Vice President, Research and Policy Development, States United Democracy Center
Institutional affiliations are provided here for identification only, and do not indicate endorsement.
Request for Proposals
The application period for the first Democracy Renewal Project cycle has concluded. You can view award recipients here.
Do you have a question that’s not covered in the RFP? You may find it in our FAQ document for this grant cycle.
Research & Reports
Guides & Toolkits
Democracy Renewal Project 2023 Grant Application FAQ

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Eligibility Criteria Questions Who is eligible to apply for a Democracy Renewal Project grant Grants are open to...
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