Public Agenda’s Pennsylvania Education Equity project orients researchers toward rigorous, practical questions about the teaching methods, practices, and support systems crucial for fostering a more equitable education system in Pennsylvania. The evidence base this research generates will support practitioners’ work to create equity for students in Pennsylvania and beyond.
Culturally relevant and sustaining education is an effort to create equitable outcomes for all students and to dismantle the systemic and institutional barriers that hinder the success of students–particularly those who have been historically marginalized. In 2022, the Pennsylvania Board of Education mandated training in culturally relevant and sustaining education (CRSE) competencies for new and experienced educators in the state.
The initial implementation of the CRSE competencies in Pennsylvania teacher education programs is an opportunity to focus actionable research on the challenges and best practices in translating policy into effective educational practices. Through our Research Accelerator model, Public Agenda will solicit proposals and distribute grant funds to researchers, then communicate findings to principals and superintendents, K-12 and higher ed educators, advocates, policymakers, journalists, and philanthropists. We are proud to partner with the Pennsylvania Educator Diversity Consortium in this work.
Public Agenda supports individuals and organizations striving to cultivate equitable and inclusive educational institutions that strengthen democracy. We have a longstanding commitment to conducting research on crucial democratic questions and equipping advocates, policymakers, and public leaders with the tools and resources needed to translate that knowledge into actionable change.
Thank you to Spring Point Partners for supporting this work.
Funded Projects
Public Agenda is excited to announce the six grantees for the Pennsylvania Education Equity Project! Find out more, including descriptions of the upcoming research, here.
Advisory Panel
Mildred Boveda
Associate Professor of Education, Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education, The Pennsylvania State University
Maryann Corsello
Research and Evaluation Consultant, Center for Black Educator Development & Professor Emeritus, University of New England
Francesca Forzani
Deputy Director, TeachingWorks, Marsal Family School of Education, University of Michigan
Edward J. Fuller
Professor of Education, Department of Education Policy Studies, The Pennsylvania State University & Director of Research, Pennsylvania Educator Diversity Consortium
Heather C. Hill
Hazen-Nicoli Professor in Teacher Learning and Practice, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Luvon Hudson
Chief Programs Officer, Center for Black Educator Development
Shawanna James-Coles
CEO & Co-Founder, Marlain’s Educational Consulting, LLC
Zakiya Stewart
Pennsylvania Policy Manager, Teach Plus