
This report summarizes findings from two representative surveys: one of 1,008 adults 18 years and older who are covered by Medicaid and one of 402 primary care doctors who treat people with Medicaid.

The survey of people with Medicaid was fielded from August 9 to September 13, 2019, online for Public Agenda by Ipsos using the probability-based web-enabled KnowledgePanel. Respondents completed the Medicaid beneficiary survey in English or Spanish. The data are weighted to the characteristics of lower-income Americans based on the March 2018 Current Population Survey.

The survey of primary care doctors who treat people with Medicaid was fielded from August 9 to September 13, 2019. Only doctors who treat people with Medicaid were surveyed. That survey was fielded online for Public Agenda by Ipsos using a sample drawn from the Physicians Consulting Network panel, a double opt-in panel of physicians and other medical professionals recruited through a license with the American Medical Association. Respondents completed the physician survey in English. The data are weighted to balance the sample to known characteristics of primary care doctors.

Before developing the surveys, Public Agenda conducted four focus groups in December 2018: two with people with Medicaid in New York City and Philadelphia and two with primary care doctors who treat people with Medicaid, also in New York City and Philadelphia.

For a complete methodology providing more detail about the focus groups and surveys, please go to https://publicagenda.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/A-Two-Way-Street-Methodology.pdf.  For sample characteristics and the surveys’ toplines with full question wording, please go to https://publicagenda.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/A-Two-Way-Street-Topline-Sample-Characteristics.pdf or email [email protected].