
This report summarizes findings from a nationally representative survey of 1,054 adult Americans 18 years and older. The survey was fielded May 15-24, 2020 by Ipsos using the probability-based web-enabled KnowledgePanel®. Respondents completed the survey in English or Spanish. The survey was weighted to match Census figures to ensure full representation of the American people.

The research also draws from four demographically diverse focus groups that Public Agenda conducted in February and March 2020 in Miami, Florida; Columbus, Ohio; New York, New York; and Jackson, Mississippi. The focus groups were conducted before the coronavirus pandemic began. For a complete survey methodology, the topline with full question wording and cross tabulations by political affiliation, please go to https://publicagenda.org/reports/where-americans-stand-on-immigration-a-hidden-common-ground-report/ or email [email protected].